Hmmm...where do i start from, ok, i eventually opened a Blog that i have decided to commit myself to its updating. I've always heard about blogs, but the question has always been will i ever have the time to update it.
Anyways, i have it opened now (some minutes ago with the tutulage of colleagues already bitten by the blog bug) and i have left other jobs am handling at the office to face the blog (my boss musn't know o). This is my first post or should i call it "Inaugural Note". If you are reading this post now i should thank you for taking a peek.

You know i said this is just inaugural note so come here once in a while to "my little world" where you get to know somethings not just about me, but about life itself. Hey! I just remebered i din't give u the reason why i used ODYSSEY on my post. Well, i was thinking about a good name to give my blog (i had to make use of the dictionary on my system though) and i came up with the name "ODYSSEY' meaning; A long and eventful or adventurouse journey. Life is a Journey and i've decided to make mine an Interesting and Adventurouse one.
