As humans, we are apt to blame some one else for our unhappiness, failures and retrogression and yet we have not really devoted ourselves to anything in life to make us successful and that’s why we are masters of nothing but complains and murmurings. We are quick to point an accusing finger to the next person without bearing in mind what we might have erroneously done along the way. We fail to sit down and take stock of what happened in order to avoid a future occurrence. Bear this in mind that for the finger you point at someone four are pointed back at you.
In this book we shall be taking a look at what you could have done that you didn’t do, what you should have seen that you didn’t see, what you could have said that you didn’t say and the counsel you should have taken that you shunted.
Either in a love relationship, business deal, friendship, scientific experiment and discovery, military accomplishment, making money from the stock market, raising a child, saving for school or for that new car, getting up early to go jogging, building your dream house, taking care of your family, no matter the set goals and dreams and plans of your heart, seeing them come to fruition requires just one tool - COMMITMENT.
It is time to revisit that business plan, it is time to reconsider that relationship, it is time to reconsider taking that degree course, it is time to rebound from that failure, it is time to retake that examination, it is time to recover all that has been lost through the years, it is time to re-enter the boxing ring of life and re-take that championship, it is time to dance again as you recommit yourself by re-engaging the tools for a successful living.
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