"Overall, The Decision is YOURS"

I got this Note from a friend and i thought 2 share with u all. Be Blessed, Instructed & Directed as u read...

"Overall, The Decision is YOURS" ~ PAV

A Truly Faithful Message on Parental Involvement in Choosing A Mate!

One of the things I loved about my wife when we were dating/courting was she always wanted to get better. She could not stand staying the same especially in areas where she was convicted. That is one of the biggest things I love about her. She will SAY EXACTLY what the deal is with her and not beat around the bush and PRETEND like she’s Ms. Perfect. So in 2002 when I was preparing to officially propose to her, my parents didn’t think it was the best idea as they did not believe she really loved me. I could understand my parents looking out for me because they knew about her flaws, but I knew I had to make my decision as a man. Though I had always greatly valued my parents' advice and pretty much went with whatever they said, this was one decision that I could not allow them to make for me.

There’s an interesting thing that happens when it comes to finding love and listening to your parents advice and that is either you will take heed to their advice which could be good for you or you will go against their advice which could ALSO be good for you. Be led by the Spirit because even though they are your parents, you are also a grown person who is a child of the King of kings. So we believe in Godly parental involvement when it comes to choosing your mates but ONLY to a certain extent.

I knew there were things that God was going to do in my life. I didn’t know when He was going to do it, but I knew I needed a woman who would be there with me through thick and thin and who would be HERSELF and not what everyone else thought she should be. See that is what I truly loved about my wife. SHE WAS HERSELF! While most Godly women I was around would wear nothing but dresses and heels, my wife could go from a dress and heels, to a sexy pants outfit with high heel boots to a Nike jogging suit with Air Jordans on her feet and still look like a MODEST CHRISITAN LADY! She would tell me her mind and she didn’t go with what I said just because I said it. MANY felt they could SEE that she would not be a submitted wife, but what they didn’t see (which I did see) was that she was FREE IN CHRIST, which means religious routines were not her thing but CHRIST WAS HER EVERYTHING! And that to me showed she was submitted to Christ, so she would also submit to me.

I say all of that to say this, though parents can help you to see MANY things, it will really be God who will “Open Your Eyes” so that you can see CLEARLY FOR YOURSELF! It may be that you are the ONLY one who can see something in that person and that could be because at that time it’s only meant for you to see. No matter, the bottom line is the choice is really yours because YOU will have to live with the decision YOU make whether it is entirely your OWN decision to marry someone or choosing to go with your parents decision on who your mate should be. We wholeheartedly believe in getting as much Godly advice as you can before you marry. But even after all of that, it's on you.

So if you are in a culture where parental involvement is heavy when it comes to choosing a mate, honor God as well as your parents in making that decision as best as you can. If in the end you do not have their approval, really seek God and be led by the Spirit on whether you should go with their decision or not. Because our parents normally mean us well, but just like my parents were initially wrong, other parents can be wrong too. We would never tell anyone to go against their parents’ advice or suggestions. But what we will say is, BE LED BY THE SPIRIT! Because you do not want to miss the right one for you, just because they may not agree with your decision. You can HONOR your parents even in disagreeing with them. You honor them by listening to their wisdom, but also measuring their wisdom by the word of God and the Holy Spirit leading you. We know of couples whose marriages may have ended because they did not heed to their parents’ wisdom as well as we know of couples whose marriages are flourishing because they did not go with their parents’ wisdom. And we also know of couples whose parents were right and their marriages are doing great. But all of them honored their parents in their decision making by acknowledging them. Remember no one is always right, not even our parents, but GOD IS ALWAYS RIGHT! So that is why we always stress being led by the Spirit.

As for me, not only did I receive my parents blessings, but my Dad also performed our wedding ceremony! So just remember, no matter what you decide, CHOOSE WISELY! I’m just glad I DID! #Best Decision In Life After Christ Was ChoosingMyWife

Psalm 37:4: "Delight yourself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart".

Proverbs 18:22, "HE WHO FINDS A WIFE finds a good thing And obtains favor from the LORD".

Proverbs 12:15, "The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice."

Eph 6:2, “Honor your father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise…”

Please share this with as MANY as you can! Thank you ALL! :-)
