The DONUT principle...

After much persuation from a friend who really "ranted" about the "draught" my blog is experiencing, and how nice it would be if i get back on my blog i decided to get something on it today.

Sometimes its not about not having something to write on the blog its just about having enough motivation to commit oneself to sit and type away your thoughts. So i took it upon myself to scribble down a thought based on the title of today's post above.

The DONUT principle is actually a book i'm currently working on and i hope to get it out before the end of the year (Hopefully).

I first taught this principle to a couple of youths and i remember asking them "of all the ingredients used in the making of a Donut, which is the most important?" and i got several reponses. Some said it is Sugar, Flour, Butter etc.

Really, the most important of all the ingredients is all the ingredients (lol). No ingredient on its own can get the job done without help from the others.

Just like it is said "No man is an island".

We would always need the involvement of others in our life and just like the Donut cannot be a Donut on the usage of one ingredient so also we cannot be all we are meant to be sticking to familiar faces or known territory.

The ingredients of a Donut can also be likened to all that Life will throw at you.

In life we will all experience pleasant and unpleasant situations but how we use it to our advantage will determine how progressive we will be.

Someone said if life throws you a lemon use it to make a lemonade. I also believe if life throws you rubbish make a dish out of it and if life throws you nonsense get a sense out of it.

The Donut is at its best by being a Donut.

Trying to be someone else is the lowest form of intelligence. You are at your best when you maintain the sanity of being you. A photocopy can never be the same as the original.

Nothing wrong trying to be more than what you currently are. We all seek to improve, to develop and to be better but it must never be at the expense of our true identity. Never live a fake life.

Okay i guess i have to stop here.

PS: If you need to read more about the DONUT principle just order for the Book (Guess that's the best i can

Thanks for reading.


  1. Hello sir,
    It's been how many years since I read from you? Two?
    Blog world is missing you much.

    1. Erimzy...Thanks for your comment. I sure will return to blogging again.

  2. Wow. I look forward to reading the book.

    1. Coming Soon dear. Keep your fingers crossed.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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